The Three Tapirs

The Three Tapirs

Once upon a time in a small town in Mexico there lived three little tapirs. Cesar, Ayden and Juan, three brothers who were in search of a new home.


As they searched for a new home, Cesar went off on his own to build a house of sticks that he found. Ayden and Juan continued to search for a home.



As Ayden and Juan were walking, they came across a pile of straw. Ayden thought it would make a good home. Juan continued on his own. He wanted something stronger.

Juan continued on and found a pile of bricks. He started to build his house out of those because he was inteligente.


The three tapir brothers settled into their new homes when along came a mal lobo.

The mal lobo came to Cesar's house out of sticks and blew it down. Cesar ran to Ayden's house of straw.


The mal lobo chased him to Ayden's house where he blew the house of sticks down. Cesar and Ayden ran to Juan's house as the mal lobo followed close behind.


Cesar and Ayden ran into Juan's house. Juan was not worried about the mal lobo getting in because his house was strong.

The mal lobo climbed up the chimney to get in and plopped into a pile of hot firewood Juan had started. The mal lobo ran out of the house and was never to be seen again! Cesar and Ayden lived with Juan until they were able to build a house of bricks just like their inteligente brother.