A family

A Day at the Zoo!

By: Jennifer Fletcher

I want to see the Tigers mommy!
Baby Tiger

"Well let's look at the map honey," said mommy.
Zoo map
It looks like we have to go past the Rhinos. After the Rhinos will be the parrots. Once we pass the parrots we need to pass the ostriches. After the ostriches,  we need to pass the Polar Bears. We should then pass the restrooms and then the elephants. Once we pass the elephants we should pass the snakes. Once we pass the snakes we should be at the Tigers!!!


"Look Mommy, there are the Rhinos!"

Ostrich family

"Look at the Ostrich family!" Daddy said. "What are we going to see next?"

Polar Bears!!
Polar bear family
"Oh and look, there are the restrooms! We're almost there!"

"Oh my gosh mommy! What is that?"
"That's an elephant," said mommy.

"That's something scary mommy!"

Cat snake

"It's just a little snake," said mommy. "It can't hurt you."

"Look honey we finally made it," daddy said.
two baby tigers

"I love Tigers! I'm glad we used our map so that we could come visit them!"

The End!