The Planets



By: Amie Anderson


How much do you know about our solar system?  Do you ever wonder which planet is the biggest or furthest away from the sun?  Our solar system is an extrodinary place that we are still learning about.  There are 9 different planets in our solar system.  These planets are Mars, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupitar, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun and the 5th largest in the solar system.  Some fun facts about Earth are that 71% of the Earth's surface is covered in water.  Also, another thing to think about is how old the Earth is.  It is more than 4.5 billion years old.

Do you ever wonder which planet is the largest?  We will learn that Jupitar is the largest planet in our solar system, but why?  There are many reasons why it is the largest planet such as; this planet spins much faster on its axis than other planets.  Also, one day on this planet is 9 hours and 55 minutes, which means 1 year on this planet is equal to 12 Earth years! 

Do you know which planet has the most visible rings around it?  well, if you didn't know it is the planet Saturn.  It is the one of a few planet in our solar system with these rings. There isn't just one, it is made up of many rings and they are formed by pieces of rocks and ice.

Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun.  This planet is unique because of the way it was found.  It was the first planet to be discovered by mathmatical predictions rather than just being observed in the sky.

Mars is known for it's canyons and dust storms.  Mars has some of the largest canyons than any other planet.  If the canyon was on Earth it would reach from Los Angeles to chicago!  It also has major dust storms.  These storms are so strong they can cover the entire planet for months at a time.

Pluto is unlike any other planet we have studied.  It is smaller than any of the other planets and is on the very edge of our solar system.  In 2006 pluto was determined not to be a planet.  Pluto is said to now be called a "dwarf planet".

We only have 3 more planets to learn about!  Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.  It is also one of the hardest to see from earth due to the sunlight affecting what we see.  Do you know which planet is the hottest?  The hottest planet is Venus.  On this panet 90% of the landforms are volcanic.  The last planet to talk about is Uranus.  This planet is the 7th planet from the sun and is also the furthest planet that can be seen with a telescope.

We have learned a lot about the planets.  We have found out that they are all different and that pluto is not considered a planet anymore. Although we learned a lot about them, there is still more information to learn in the future.