The Structure of DNA
By: Melissa Puopolo
This is a  model of the structure of DNA.
DNA Double Helix

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The purpose of this book is to define, describe and illustrate the structure of DNA for high school students.

image by publik15 on flickr

by publik 15

Table of Contents
1. What is DNA?...............Page 3

2. What is a Nucleotide?....Page 4
3. Structure of DNA..........Page 5
Pairing...........................Page 6


DNA is located in the nucleus of cells. It makes up genes, which carry genetic information from generation to generation. DNA is a string of a series of four nucleotides.

by mknowles on flickr
DNA: A Double helix or twisted ladder


Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is made up of linked nucleotides.


It is double stranded. In other words, DNA has two chains of linked nucleotides that are joined by hydrogen bonds.

image by mknowles on flickr: 


What is a Nucleotide?
It is made of a sugar, called deoxyribose, a phosphate and a nitrogenous base.

Nucleotides are subunits of DNA.

Many nucleotides strung together make a DNA strand.
There are four nitrogenous bases found in DNA; adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C).
Two strands of DNA come together to form a double helix.

Click here for a 3-D view of DNA.

Structure of DNA

DNA is like a twisted ladder or double helix, with the ladder turning to the right. It is called a right hand turn.

The sides of the ladder are made up of a sugar-phosphate backbone.

The steps of the ladder are made up of two nucleotides pairing together and connecting by hydrogen bonds. This is how the two strands of DNA come together. Here is a 3-D model of DNA.

image on

DNA Ladder:  This is a spiral staircase with a handrail with a tight turn of the stairs.
by eliotc on flickr

Complementary Base Pairing


This forms the step of the ladder in a DNA twisted ladder or double helix. Nitrogenous bases are parts of a nucleotide.


There are four nitrogenous bases found in DNA; adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C).

A pairs with
T by two H bonds.

C pairs with
G by three H bonds.


This pairing allows two strands of DNA to come together in a double helix.


Here is a short movie that describes base pairing.

by:  spdorsey on flickr. 

DNA Ladder:  This is a spiral staircase with a handrail and a tight turn of the stairs.
by eliotc on flickr