The World of Cats

by Mary Elise DeCoursey

  • Our Coaches

  • Introduction

  • Where do cats come from?

  • How do cats behave in the wild?

  • How do domesticated cats behave?

  • Is a cat a good pet for me?

  • Taking care of kittens

  • Taking care of an adult cat

  • The world of cats


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Two round eyes stare at you from across the room. Slowly but surely, four paws inch their way across the carpet, in pursuit of some invisible foe. A long tail twitches back and forth. Then suddenly...


The cat has jumped, and now wiggles around on its back as it plays with the ball of dust that it was "hunting" from across the room.

Cats have become popular household pets. But how much do you know about them? Read on to find out!

Cats love to play with their owners and other animals!

Where do cats come from?

The first cats were domesticated almost 4,000 years ago by people in ancient Egypt. They kept cats in order to protect their homes from mice. Cats eventually came to America with the Pilgrims.

There are more than 50 different breeds, or types, of cats all over the world.

Cats come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.

How do cats behave in the wild?

Cats in the wild can show some of the same behaviors as your house cat!

One example is "scent marking." In the wild, cats will rub each other with their heads to signal that they belong to the same family. You may find that your house cat does this to you!

Cats in the wild also like to sleep in high places. This allows them to see around them and watch out for danger. House cats often like to sleep in high places, too.

Lions are the much larger cousins of your house cat!

How do domesticated cats behave?

There are two behaviors that are found in domesticated cats, but not wild cats.

House cats enjoy playing even after they grow into adults. Cats enjoy playing with almost anything! They love to chase and wrestle.

Domesticated cats also like to knead, or press, their owners with their paws. Cats start doing this as babies, usually when it is time to eat. 

House cats love to play, even when they're older.

Is a cat a good pet for me?

Cats can be a lot of fun, but they are also a big responsibility. When you bring a cat home, you will be taking care of it for the next 10-20 years!

Cats prefer some alone time, so they won't always want to play. 

They don't need walks or baths like dogs do. Cats keep themselves clean.

You will have to watch for signs of bugs which can make cats itchy and sick.


Cats will give themselves baths to stay clean.

Taking care of kittens

Baby cats are called kittens. It takes extra work to take care of a kitten! They need to be kept warm and shown lots of love.

Kittens should be with their mothers until they are 6-8 weeks old. 

Kittens need to learn how to use a litterbox when they need to go to the bathroom.

Kittens also must learn how to eat cat food. When they are with their mothers, they drink milk.

Kittens must also learn to play nice. They like to bite and scratch with their brothers and sisters.

Kittens have tons of energy and love to play!

Taking care of an adult cat

Once kittens are one year old, they are called adult cats. Adult cats do not need as much attention as kittens.

Adult cats will use the litterbox, clean themselves, and eat when you give them food.

Adult cats must be fed twice a day. You also must clean the litterbox when it smells bad. Cats do not like to use a litterbox they think is filthy.

Adult cats will also want you to play with them from time to time!

When cats aren't playing, they love to nap.

The world of cats is a world that is playful, powerful, and fun! Whether or not you decide a pet cat is right for you, we can all admire the strength and grace of cats in the world around us.