No way~

NYIT Language Art and Technology ASSIGNMENT
Author: YiYi Chou
Illustrator: YiYi Chou
Dubbers: Glen, Angela, Leo, YiYi Chou




      I appreciate my children, Angela and Leo, to help me dub the audio version. I do hope you realize book reading is really interesting without worrying no power, and enjoy the time we worked together.

   Also, I would like to thank my husband, Glen. Your support encourages me to push my limit!


    I love writing stories when I was a preschool teacher, I often created my books for my specific subject areas. Reading is a wonderful journey, it can bring us where ever we like. Even it's technology era, no matter what kind of medium, I strongly suggest you have a story time with your family every day, you will realize what you invest then. 

    So I leave the end to you, can you read to someone you love? 


I love my grandpa's resort, it's by a huge lake. My family went there since I was three.





After we arrived there, I couldn't wait to tell my friends how beautiful it was.

BUT, WHAT......

My phone was DEAD thoroughly!


I almost wanted to yell, but I held it. 

When I asked my grandpa why not installed WiFi here, he just turned to me and replied, "I don't remember you need it when you were here last time."


I politely asked him usually what he did around here. Grandpa said, "Read, boy! You can grab one too."



Well, actually, it's NOT that BAD.....


"Honey, can you do me a favor?" mommy called me when I read.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Can you taste it? I am not sure it's good or not, I didn't have the recipe."

"You what? Why don't you check your phone? Oh, I get it, you don't have wifi either."

"That's all right, I still have blurry memory. I believe I can make it."



Well, Actually, it's NOT that BAD.......

Without the INTERNET, it's a L~O~N~G~ day to go.

My dad saw my bad mood, "Let's go!" he encouraged me.


Well, actually, it's NOT that BAD......


That day was a special day to me. I ate dinner without phone and enjoyed the family talks. 

I knew I could survive without the internet now.


But before bedtime, my mom suddenly screamed out, " Oh, the bedtime story is in the icloud!"


" That's all right, mama." I told her, "I know what to do, don't be panic." I took my younger sister to bed.

"I know how to read her a bedtime story."



School/Group: Not Provided

Content Area: Language Arts 

Genre: Non-fiction 

Grade Level(s): Pre-K, K, 1, 2

Book Language: English/English

Author's email:

Publish: Oct. 14, 2017

Note: P7 was retrieved from the book of " Believe It or Not" (2007), p. 62-63, Repley publishing. ISBN: 978-1-893951-22-8



I design a question each page, you can have them write down or just oral sharing. Some topics are created to foster their virtues or reflect their lifestyle. 

Most of the pages are available to color or to add their touch.