Using Mnemonics in Chemistry

A guide to helping you easily memorize chemistry concepts

  • What is a mnemonic device?

  • Okay, but where's the science?

  • Let's try it!

  • Let's Try it!

  • Now, you try..

  • A few reminders

  • References


What is a mnemonic device? Mnemonics are a technique used to help memorize multiple steps or complicated processes by using familiar words or a catchy phrase. Mnemonics can also be auditory. 





Please Excuse My Dear AuntSally 

is a well-known mnemonic from algebra 1. This is a helpful way for you to remember the order in which to do algebraic operations:

Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction

So how can mnemonics help you in chemistry?

You're a scientist, so you're probably wondering, "Sounds great, but I'm not a kid anymore. Does this stuff even work?"


More than forty research studies over thirty years have shown how effective mnemonic devices are to students who struggle with memorization (and who doesn't struggle with memorization from time to time) (IRIS Module, 2013). 

Above, you see an image for a cation and an anion. Ah yes, when an atom loses electrons, it's a cation, which means positive, and when it gains electrons, it's an anion, which is negative.


That's a lot of information. Let's see if we can come up with a way to make it a little simpler...

A few ways to help remember the difference between cation and anion...


Precious little kitty CATS always help you feel PAWSITIVE (while anions make you feel negative - get it?!)

Okay, okay, I had to! Let's try another one though...


See how that "t" sort of looks like a plus sign? Now, whenever you see cation written, the clue is already in the word!


So Ms. Clark has decided that it's time for you all to memorize the first 5 elements of the periodic table. Come up with your own funny sentence or phrase to help you put the first 5 elements in order!

Great job coming up with your own mnemonic! From here on out, I encourage you to share your own silly, ridiculous, and funny ways to remember things with your classmates. Chemistry is a LOT of information, so we could all use a little help memorizing things from time to time!


Mnemonics can be a very helpful way to help you remember some key facts from chemistry to quickly recall them when you're doing homework or taking a test. However, they can't substitute for really understanding the material. So keep studying, keep applying that knowledge, but remember to have fun and stay like a cation!!

(get it?! Because cations are positive....okay, I'll stop!)


 The IRIS Center. (2013). Study Skills Strategies (Part 2): Strategies that Improve Students’ Academic Performance. Retrieved from

Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. (1999). Modern Chemistry. Austin, Texis. Harcourt Brace & Company.