The Prince And The Six Girls

by Ka'Jun Palmer & BreAsia Cornish

Once upon a time there was a prince named Kane and six girls named Kiana, Giana, Ashley, Ciara, Courtney, and Brittney. They all lived in a castle in a far away land in Hawaii.

"We need to put more in the castle" said Giana.

"We will  have to go all the way to Georgia to find furniture" said Kiana.

They had lived in the section of Hawaii where stores were vanishing and where there are furniture  stores that aren't good enough for them because they are very  picky in life.

The six girls traveled  for 2 days. They were very spoiled. While they were driving, the wicked witch of the west came and snatched them all out of the car. "Wa ha ha ha ha," laughed the witch very evilly.

"Since you girls are so picky in life you will serve the consequences  by staying in this castle for 100 years".

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo" yelled the six girls who were terrified.

They called the prince to come and rescue them and so he did. The prince we came and rescued them. Ashley had got sick from something in the witches castle. Are you O.K Ashley?

They rushed Ashley to the hospital as fast as they possibly could. The doctor said that Ashley might die if she doesn't get the proper rest that she needs because rest is the only way to get rid of the disease dermatimeclitis. And she did get her proper rest. She had a party to celebrate. The party was fun.


                                            THE END