10 Cool Snowmen


                    Jennifer Orberson

                    Eugene Lee, Edited Version, 2009.


Learning Goal: readers will become familiar with the process of counting numbers backwards as they comprehend a different situation for each number. 

10 Ten cool snowmen, playing in the snow.  The snowmen were playing follow the leader and one got out of line.  Now there are.....


9 Nine snowmen trying to ice skate.  One slipped and fell.  Now there are......

8 Eight snowmen drinking hot chocolate, one melted away, his name was Evan.  Now there are.....

7 Seven hungrey snowmen baking cookies in the kitchen.  One snowman left to go to the store to get more mix.  Now there are...... 

6 Six silly snowmen surfing and taking a dive.  One bumped his head and now there are.....

5 Five snowmen having a snowball fight, one threw too many snowballs and his arm is sore.  Now there are....

4 Four funny snowmen wanted to decorate for the Holidays.  One went out to find a tree and now there are only.....

3 Three snowmen running in the snow.  One ran so fast he lost a shoe.  Now there are.....

2 Two snowmen sledding down a hill having lots of fun.  One fell off and now there is only.....

1 One snowman playing all alone, he melted in the sun so now there are.....
