Timmy-The Cat

By Lucas

Timmy is one of my two cats. This story is going to be in the first person of an adventure that he will go on. In the story he escapes from the house and goes into the forest in the backyard. The conflict is that he gets lost. The story is about how he gets back. It will start on the next page. Luckily for my cat, he is very smart and sneaky. He will find his way home, I know he will. When I say I in this story it means Timmy, because this story is in the first person. Enjoy it, I made it up. It won't be real and some things will make absolutely no sense at all. Just rember it's not real. I'm making it up as I go along. The forest isn't in trouble of being torn down. It's a preserve, you take down one tree in this forest and you go to jail.

Hi. I'm Timmy. I just got lost in the forest and I don't know what to do. I got out of the house today and I guess I got a little carried away while running trying to make sure that they didn't catch me. Mainly because I'm entirely lost and probably about halfway through the entire forest. Hey, there's an animal that might be able to give me a ride. I'll go talk to him. "Hello there, stranger." "Hi small creature." "Umm could I possibly get a ride on your back?" "Sure, but first could I know your name?" "Oh right I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Timmy. And you are...?" "I am Tom." "Hi Tom. So can I get that ride on your back now?" "Sure hop on." So I did and he started running in the direction of my house. Unluckily he couldn't bring me all the way because he had to stay close to his herd. So I got about a quarter of the way there. Which meant that I still had a long way to go till I got home.

Okay I'm really lost now and it's getting dark. I really hope that I can find my way home before nightfall. Or else i'll have to go to the trouble of finding some shelter for the night. Or making it. The really bad part is that I'm in the middle of the biggest clearing in the forest and I have a feeling that I'm just going in circles. I really hope my feeling is fake because the sun is setting. I just hope I can make a shelter before any thing that would eat me comes out. Luckily for me I can see in the dark. These leaves should help. Oh and these branches. I really hope it doesn't rain tonight. That would be very bad. I hate the rain. Yes! I finished my little hut-ish thing, well at least it will keep predators away.

Well. It rained last night and I am entirely soaked. Luckily though the river is in sight and that's a really really good sign. There's only one river in the forest and it's really close to the house. All I need to do is follow the river till I find a bridge. Then I cross it get to the other side continue following it till I get to the small clearing. then I'm home free. There's the main bridge! Yes! Here's the clearing! There's the yard! I made it! I'm home! Yay!

Timmy came home. I knew he would. He may be a bad cat but he's also smart and knows where his home is. Right here in this nice house with me. He is my cat. I love him. As a pet not something wrong. He is my cat. He's my friend. He's practically a family member and no matter how lost he gets, he will always find a way to and get home.

The end