When I am Angry

Written by: Veronica Bisson

Pictures are of my son in Preschool.

When I am at school, I play with others.
I work hard to get along with others, but sometimes I get angry.

I know I am angry when my body gets tight or I want to hit. 

It is not okay to hurt others.

When I am angry, I need to take a break.

I can calm down by breathing.

I can "smell the flowers".

And "blow the bubbles".

I can squeeze something soft or count to 10.

I will use my words but never my hands.

When I am calm, I will talk with an adult about why I was angry.


Doing these things will help me calm my body so I can feel better.

When I am calm my teacher is happy.

After I am calm, I can join my friends again.