Time Management in 5 Easy Steps

Written By: Karole-Ann Keniston

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One of the best Study Skills you can have is

Time Management.

Learning how to better manage your time can help you to be a more successful student.

This book goes over 5 steps that will help you on the road to better time management

1- Make a To-do List

2- Limit Distractions

3- Use a Calendar or Planner

4- Get Organized

5- Get a Goodnight of Rest




Step 1:

Make a To-Do List

Write Down all of the things that you need to get done for the day.

Add to it throughout the day.

As you complete the task you can cross it off or put a check mark next to it!


Limit Distractions

If you are trying to get yourself organized and ready for the day, watch out for distractions.

A distraction is a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.

An example of a distraction could be your phone, email, other people around you.

Use a Calendar or Planner 

Write assignments or events on your calendar/planner as soon as you know about them.

Have things written down so you can look ahead for the week and know what is happening. Then you can add to your To Do list anything that you need to accomplish to be successful for the week.

Having a schedule also helps you to set aside time for each task/event. 

Make sure you also add a set time for homework/studying so that you get it done.

Get Organized

This is one of the hardest steps. This step may take a while to accomplish and will be a step that you are always working on.

When you organize your school work and papers it will help you to better know what you need to add to your To-Do list and what needs to be added to your calendar/planner.

Knowing where your supplies are and where to put things away will help you to manage your time throughout the day and week.

Get Some Rest

Getting a good nights sleep will help you to better manage your time.

Students who get 8-10 hours of sleep are able to focus better and be more successful throughout the day.

In order to accomplish all of the other task you need to first get a good night of rest.


Clipart Library, 2016. Free Clip Art Library.   Retrieved from: http://clipart-library.com/

Harris School of Business, 2018. Improve Your         Time Management Skills: For Students. Retrieved   from: https://www.harrisschool.edu/improve-   your-time-management-skills-for-   students/#.W_sWG9tKjIU

Merriam-Webster, 2018. distraction. Retrieved   from: https://www.merriam-   webster.com/dictionary/distraction 

Pixabay, 2018. Pixabay images. Retrieved from: https://pixabay.com/en/hurry-stress-time-management-2119711/

University of Lynchburg,2018. Top 10 Study Skills.   Retrieved from: https://www.lynchburg.edu/aca   demics/tutorin  g-academic-support/top-10-   study-skills/