Willis Haviland Carrier

"King of Cool"

Meet Mr. Carrier

Willis Haviland Carrier lived from November 26, 1876 to October 7, 1950.  He lived in New York and studied at Cornell University where he became an engineer .  He used what he knew about engineering to create air-conditioning.  His invention gave him the nickname, "the king of cool."  


In 1911 Willis Carrier began to study the relationship between temperature and humidity .  Mr. Carrier found that temperature and humdity need to be controlled for people to be comfortable, so he created a company that made air-conditioners.  Air-conditioners control the temperature and humdity in the air for people to be comfortable!

Air-Conditioning Today

Willis Carrier's invention can be found  today in homes, cars, businesses, and schools.  There are even portable air-conditioners that you can put in your windows.  You can see an example of this in the picture below.  Thanks to air-conditioning we can be cool even when it is very hot outside!