The Great Kapok Tree


Lynne Cherry

A man walks into the rain forest. He sees a big treeThe big tree is called a Kapok tree.

The man hit the tree many times. He went to sleep at the bottom of the big Kapok tree.

A big snake lived in the Kapok treeHe said to the man "The tree is my home, please do not cut it down."

A bee saw the man. The Bee said "I collect pollen from tree flowers to help the rain forest grow new trees. The tree is my home, please do not cut it down."

A group of monkeys saw the man. They said  "If you cut down this tree and all the trees, the rain forest will become a dry desert. The tree is my home, please do not cut it down."

A group of birds saw the man. One bird said to the man "If you cut down the tree, people will burn down the rain forest and take away our home. The tree is my home, please do not cut it down."

A jaguar saw the man. He said "The Kapok tree is home to many animals. If you cut it down, where will I find my dinner? The tree is my home, please do not cut it down."

A group of porcupines saw the man. They said "If you cut down the tree there will be no air to breathe for animals and humans. The tree is my home, please do not cut it down."

A boy who lived in the rain forest saw the man. He said "The tree is my home, please do not cut it down."

The man wakes up. He sees the little boy and all the animals who live in the rain forest and depend on the kapok tree.

The man did not cut down the tree