Sounds, Sights and Smells of Spring

                                      By: Kelly Krueger

The birds return from thier warm southern gateaway 

Singing their sweet songs of spring

They make their nests up in the tree

And compose a new tune to sing

The bears emerge from their long winter hideaway                             

Ready to sniff out their long awaited lunch

They drudge along the newly thawed river bed

Looking for something to munch!

The flowers sprout from the once frozen earth                              
Starting once again their colorful and fragrant birth                      
Flowers are all different, not one is a like                                       
Colors, smells and sizes, OH what a sight


The sights, sounds and smells of spring are happening all around

Its hard not to notice the changes when so many can be found. 

So smell, look and listen to all you see today

For it will not be long till summer comes our way!