Where Animals Live

Tara Duncan

Animals live in different types of places all over the world.  Let's take a look at a few animals and see where they live.

Dolphins live in the ocean .  They have a strong tail that moves up and down to help them swim.

Ducks live in water and on land.  They have webbed feet that help them paddle in the water.

Giraffes live in the savannah areas in Africa.  These are grasslands with some trees.  Giraffes have long necks.  This helps giraffes eat leaves high in the trees.

Sloths live in tropical rainforests.  They have long, curved claws to help them hang upside down in the trees.

Prairie dogs live in the grasslands in North America.  They use their paws to dig tunnels underground. They live in these tunnels or burrows .  This helps keep them safe from predators .

Birds live in the air.  They have wings that allow them to fly.  They build nests in safe places (like trees).

Some animals, like the polar bear, live where it is very cold.  Their skin and fur helps them stay warm.

Some animals live in the desert where it is very hot.  A camel stores fat in its hump and does not waste water.  This helps it to survive in hot places.

Animals are adapted to live in many different types of places.  Can you think of other places animals live?