Trophic structures in Ecosystems.

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Food webs in ecosystems can be very complex, like the one shown above for an oceanic ecosystem.  To study the relationships, scientists look at different levels of the ecosystem based on what they eat. 

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Food webs make up trophic pyramids when organized by their tropic levels.  Scientists study the relationships between tropic levels to determine the stability of an ecosystem

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When arranged by biomass, most ecosystems form a tropic pyramid resembling the one above.  Each has producers (autotrops), primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers.  Consumers and heterotrophs are two words that mean the same thing.  Animals that must eat other plants or animals to survive. 

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On the top of the food pyramid are the top predators or top consumers.

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Tertiary consumers help the ecosystem remain stable.

Tertiary consumers also regulate food webs in the ocean.

Only 10% of the energy eaten by one organism is passed on to another.  This is why it forms the shape of a pyramid.

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