The Water Cycle

By: Erin Lee

What is Evaporation?

When it’s warm outside, water from rain will go up into the air. This is called Evaporation. The water that evaporates comes from the ground. It also comes from the ocean, rivers, and lakes.

What is Water Vapor?

When the water from rain evaporates  into the air it is called Water Vapor.

What is Condensation?

When the water vapor cools down it will come together as tiny water droplets. The droplets will form into a cloud. This is called Condensation.

What is Precipitation?

When the cloud becomes heavy with a lot of water droplets, it will start to rain. Gravity  pulls the water to the ground. If it’s cold outside, it will start to snow or hail. This is called Precipitation.

What is Surface Runoff?

If water falls as snow it will collect on the mountains. It will melt and run down to the rivers and lakes. The water will also collect on land. This is known as Surface Runoff. The water cycle will then repeat !

This text is adapted from:

“The Water Cycle”

by Craig Hammersmith