Using Flipgrid in the Classroom



Table of Contents


2. Table of Contents

3. ISTE Standards 

4. What is Flipgrid?

5. Introduction

6. How To

7. Educator Dashboard Overview

9. References 

ISTE Standards for Coaches

1. Change Agent- Coaches inspire educators and leaders to use technology to create equitable and ongoing access to high quality learning. 

  • 1b- Facilitate equitable use of digital learning tools and content that meet the needs of each learner

3. Collaborator- Coaches establish productive relationships with educators in order to improve instructional practice and learning outcomes. 

  • 3d- Personalize support for educators by planning and modeling the effective use of technology to improve student learning. 




The ISTE Standards are a framework for innovation in education. These standards help educators and education leaders worldwide prepare learners to thrive in work and life (

What is Flipgrid? 

Flipgrid is an accessible video discussion experience for educators, learners, and families from Pre-k to PhD. This free tool allows for community engagement, interaction, personalization, information and fun!



Flipgrid can be used in the classroom in so many ways. It can help students with social learning development, as well as connectedness in both a classroom and online community. Flipgrid notes itself as a tool to empower every voice. Educators can create activities for all subjects from ELA to Math, or browse through over 30,000 topics already created by the Flipgrid community. Flipgrid allows for community-community interaction as well as interaction between students.




  1. Go to flipgrid and create an account
  2. Create a discussion topic (make private or public)
  3. Personalize by adding effects to your post
  4. Turn moderator option on to review student posted content before it is shared
  5. Activate or inactivate student comments
  6. Allow students to video edit
  7. Share with learning community
  8. Invite family and guests by adding a guest password


* Learners respond by recording their own videos and sharing using web browser, application, tablet, etc.

* Students can add effects to posts such as filters, frames, emojis, text, draw, board and upload an image. 

* Flipgrid offers information and resources for first time users such as a getting started guide and workshops. 

Educator Dashboard Overview

1st tab- Discussion- Where you can start a discussion by adding a topic and then sharing a code with your students

2nd tab- Discovery- Where you can explore over 30,000 topics created by flipgrid community to start your discussion- topics include digital citizenship, math, science, STEM/STEAM – you can choose audience such as grade level, parent or professional.

3rd tab- Activity- This lets you see engagement you have created with your learners. You can see total responses and total views.

4th tab- Mixtapes- Mixtapes are view-only, you choose what to add and in what order, you can use these for semester highlights, school yearbooks, talent show remixes, etc.

5th tab- Shorts- Record videos/capture your screen

6th tab- GridPals- Where you can connect with users around the world


CAST. 2016. CAST UDL YouTube Channel.

Flipgrid. 2020. Getting Started with Flipgrid.

ISTE. 2020. ISTE Standards for coaches.

Lynch, M. (2017) How technology can expand creativity and innovation in education. The Edvocate.

Murphy, A. (2017) Embracing the UDL classroom: 4 steps to a more flexible educationEdTech Magazine.

Stoszkowski, J. (2018). Using Flipgrid to develop social learning. Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 11(2). doi: