
Think about what you already know about the weather...
Cumulus clouds in the sky

We can learn a lot about the weather by just looking at the sky. Everyday meteorologists lets us know what they predict the weather will be. They use the sky and weather patterns to help them figure out their predictions.
Everyday the weather is a little bit different. However, we can say generally what the weather is.

There are a lot of different extreme kinds of weather. For example, hurricanes are storms that have very strong winds.

Image of a hurricane from Outer Space

Tornados are also an example of extreme weather. Sometimes they are called twisters or cyclones. They happen most of the time during the summer months.

The wind is a big part of these storms. It also is a big part of our everyday weather. Look at this weather site to find out more about wind and how it changes the weather:

What is snow? Have you ever realized that snow is a part of weather? Lets learn more about how snow is a part of weather . . .

There are different kinds of percipitation. The type depends on the temperature!
Percipitation also is very important. Percipitation isn't just rain. It can also be snow, hail or even sleet!

Climate is what the weather is in a region or place. What is the climate in North Carolina?

What does the climate look like here? 

These are just a few parts of weather. I bet you will now see how weather is a part of your everyday life!!! Knowing about the weather can help you do things like deciding what to wear to school or what to do that day.