Ellie and Tech's

Literary Adventures!

A fantastic journey through the world of literary elements and techniques  using sights, sounds and just a hint of magic!

Ellie  and Tech were the best of friends. They were always on the look out for interesting people and fabulous stories.  One day, they were wandering through the land of Literary, enjoying the sunlight and fresh air. Suddenly, a large animal appeared in their path, muttering to itself. "Definitely went to the store, I turned left at the pretty grass..." Ellie and Tech looked at each other curiously and tried to listen to what the animal, a ox, now that they came to look properly, was saying. "But if 8 times 34 is 7, what is the square root of happiness?" Ellie and Tech decided to talk to this ox, to help it out of its confusion.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ox?" Ellie called politely, "What are you doing?" The Ox looked at them, smiling serenely. "Hello! Do you have my lead feather?" "Your what?" Tech replied. "My lead feather, I seem to have dropped it and I’m afraid it floated away." "But a lead feather couldn’t float!" said Ellie. "Yeah," Tech added, "that’s an oxymoron , a contradiction in terms!" But the Ox didn’t seem to hear them, as he had wandered off into the distance, mumbling strange phases like "icy hot" and "silent scream." Ellie and Tech blinked, looked at each other, and quickly went in the opposite direction of the Moronic Ox...


As they traveled on, Ellie and Tech heard a strange whooshing sound as they passed a group of trees. As they came closer, they noticed a group of people running towards them. However, as looked clearly, they realized the people were running backwards! Puzzled, they stopped to talk. "Why are you running backwards?" A girl answered. "Isn’t it obvious? We already know the past so we’re making sure we stay in it." Ellie and Tech look confused, so she continued. "Look, we’ve already experienced the past, right? This way, we never have to worry about the future, because we’re staying in the past." "But you can’t stay in the past! Time moves on!" countered Tech. "Yeah, but if we remember the past, that’s just as good, isn’t it? I mean, it feels like we’re really there and it’s happening to us again!" "But that’s just a flashback , when you remember something that happened and you feel it all over again," said Ellie. "Exactly!" said the girl, "that protects us from the future!"

Tech sighed and said "Your future is happening right now, whether you admit it or not. Turn around and face the sun, it feels wonderful." Slowly, she turned around, feeling the sunlight wash over her. Once the others saw, they turned as well. "Although the past can be safe, and the future scary, it’s best to live in the present," said Ellie. The back flashers waved goodbye as Ellie and Tech headed into the deeper parts of the forest.


Going deeper into the forest, Ellie and Tech suddenly became cold. The sun was much weaker with denser trees around. In the distance, they spotted a fire and thought to warm themselves.  As they reached it, they noticed four strange shapes looming in the darkness. Scared, they hung back and watched as four monstrous bears began to dance around the fire, casting wild, fantastic shadows. These shadows were unique as they not only reflected the motion of each individual dancer, but connected to one another. Each shadow took a motion from the one before it until they blended into one shadow with many beautiful movements.

Ellie and Tech gasped, they had never seen shadows move like this! The bears heard and looked their direction, the giant shadow vanishing. “We’re sorry!” Ellie and Tech exclaimed. “We wanted to use your fire and were fascinated by your beautiful shadow dance.” The bears smiled and gestured them over. “We are the Four Shadowers ,” they said. “We are the guardians of the future. Our dance combines all that was and will be and shows them all in one.” “You’re foreshadowing , giving clues to the future in the present?” said Tech. “Yes,” said the first bear. “We set the story in motion, watching as each step leads to the conclusion.” “Can we watch again?” said Ellie. The bears circled the fire, casting shadows in every direction.  Right before their eyes, Ellie and Tech watched as the shadows danced together to form one large bear with many movements, as it spun into the darkening sky…


The sky was a dark blue when Ellie and Tech came out of the forest. As they began to look for a place to eat, they heard a loud banging and crying come from a nearby cottage. Running, they came to a blacksmith’s  shop where a man was forging a sword on an anvil and crying loudly, tears spilling over the hot metal and making loud hissing sounds. "What’s the matter!" Tech and Ellie exclaimed. "It’s this job," cried the blacksmith. "I stand here all day and forge swords, jewelry and other types of metal but… but…" "But what?" they cried. "But… I’M SCARED OF FIRE!" At these words, the blacksmith’s sobs started again, tears flying with every shake of his head.

Ellie and Tech looked at each other. "A blacksmith who’s scared of fire, how ironic !" "Iron_what?" said the blacksmith. "Ironic, " said Ellie. "Irony  is when something unexpected happens. You wouldn’t think that someone who practically stands in an oven all day would be afraid of fire." "Maybe being a blacksmith isn’t for you. What do you really want to be?" The smith looked up and said. "Well, I really wanted to be a lumberjack!" "And you’re okay!" said Ellie and Tech. "There’s a huge forest in the woods behind us, go, follow your dream!" The blacksmith, now lumberjack, skipped off into the woods, whistling a happy tune. Ellie and Tech put out the fire and put the "closed" sign on the shop, for good.


Ellie and Tech had spent a wonderful day in the world of Literary and had made many new friends. The Oxy Moron , Flash Backers , Four Shadowers and Ironic  Iron worker had all become wonderful companions who would fill their lives with fun and excitement. Ellie and Tech's adventures are far from over, as tomorrow is another day, but for now, they say...