By Nancy Reynolds

EDLA 615 Fall 2009

My name is Vanessa and I can do everything all by myself. I am very independent .

My dad and I go apple-picking every year and he always picks the apples while I put them in the bag. This year, I want to do things my way.  This year, I'm picking the apples all by myself!

This year, he can hold the bag!  These bushels of apples can get pretty heavy!

I'm going to head down this path to the other side of the orchard .  Later Dad!

These trees are just my size!  I can reach these apples all by myself!

I can pick these apples all by myself!

Uh-Oh!  I'm All By Myself!

I'm sure I'll find him all by myself!  I just have to keep moving...

A few hours later...

I think I need some help!

"Excuse me, sir.  I can't find my daddy.  I was picking apples and I wandered to far away.  I searched and searched for hours and I'm exhausted !  Would you help me please?"

"Of course I can help you!  It's never fun being lost, but it's a good thing you stopped to ask for help.  You don't have to be lost all by yourself!"

My name is Vanessa and I am so grateful that I don't have to do everything all by myself!

"Mi Amor ! I was so worried about you!"