Chemistry Mnemonics

An ion is an atom that has a charge because it has lost or gained electrons.

A cation is a positive ion.  Remember:  a CATion is a PAWsitive ion!

An anion is a negative ion.  Remember:  A Negative ION.

Diatomic molecules are molecules formed when two atoms of the same element bond to each other.  There are seven elements that like to do this:  hydrogen, nitrogen, fluorine, oxygen, chlorine, innocent, and bromine--Have No Fear Of Cute, Innocent Baby twins!

A hydrogen bond occurs when an electron poor hydrogen is attracted to an electron rich atom.  It's not a full bond!  To have an electron poor hydrogen, it must be bonded to an electronegative element.  It will hydrogen bond to another electronegative element.  The three elements electronegative enough for hydrogen bonds are fluorine, oxygen, and nitrogen.  Remember:  HYDROGEN IS FON (fun)!

Atoms can gain or lose electrons.  When an atom gains electrons, it is said to be reduced.  If it loses them, it is said to be oxidized.  Remember:  Oxidation is Loss, Reduction is Gain--OIL RIG!

In a galvanic cell, electrons from one cell travel towards another.  The cell where reduction happens is the cathode; the cell where oxidation happens is the anode.  Remember REDuction at CAThode, RED CAT!  Also, remember, ANode for OXidation--AN OX!

The metric system uses prefixes to add a multiplier of 10 to unit names.  kilo-, hecto-, deca-, 1, deci-, centi-, and milli- are the ones nearest to one.  King Henry Drank 1 Delicious Chocolate Milk!

The visible light spectrum consists of the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  He's a nice fellow, his name is ROY G. BIV!

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