Animal Adaptation

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Written by

Juliana Estrada

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An adaptation is a change in an animal’s physical structure or behavior that helps an animal to survive in their habitat.

lExamples: The shape of a bird’s beak, number of fingers and toes, or the color of an animal’s fur.

The shape of an animal’s teeth is related to its diet.

Herbivores, such as deer, have many molars for chewing tough grass and plants.
Carnivores, such as lions, have sharp canines to kill and tear meat

Animal Adaptation pppst.

Adaptation Applications: Lions 

The eyes of a lion set in front of the head  because allow for depth perception and ability to judge distances when hunting.

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Adaptation Applications: Giraffe

The giraffe's long necks adapted to their lifestyle because this extra length is thought to have evolved to help the giraffe spot predators and other giraffes in the distance.
Interestingly, giraffes and humans have the same number of vertebrate in their necks.

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Adaptations are structural or behavioral traits that help organisms meet their basic needs and survive in their environments. Some adaptations help animals to get food, water, and oxygen. Others help them to reproduce, escape from danger, and survive in their environments.