A fun way to teach children how to use manners in school, at home, and with their friends!

By: Emily Davis

Saying "Please"

"Please " is a good word to say. We say "please" when we want something from other people. We say "please" to our parents, friends, siblings, and other adults. You say please when you want to borrow something or go somewhere. 

Saying "Thank You"

We say "thank you " when someone gives us something or shares with us. You can say "thank you" in the classroom if your friend gives you a toy to share and you can say it at home to your parents if they help you do something. You can also say "thank you" when someone says or does something nice for you. 

Saying "Excuse Me"

"Excuse me " is a phrase you say when two people are talking and you would like to talk or ask a question too. If you sneeze or make other noises in public, it is also polite to say "excuse me."

Saying "Sorry"

You say "sorry " when you hurt someone's feelings by saying or doing something mean. When you know you did something wrong, or someone tells you you hurt their feelings at home, on the playground, or at school you should say "I'm sorry." Saying "sorry" means you care about the other person's feelings. It makes them feel better. 


You need to have good manners as students, friends, and children. Today, we have discussed just some of the manners you should have. Using manners everyday and everywhere you go makes work, games, and chores more fun. When you use manners, you will make a lot of friends and more people will help you. When you use manners, you are treating everyone around you with kindness, consideration, and respect and this makes everyone happy!