On Top of the World

Written by: The Students in Mrs. Harris's Class

Illustrated by: The Students in Mrs. Harris's Class

  • All ears on me

  • Pack rat

  • Happy as a pig in the mud

  • Mad as a hornet

  • A bump on a log

  • Dog eat dog world

  • Chewed me out

  • Chill out

  • Easy as pie




Mrs. Harris says, "All ears on me."

What does she really mean?

Does she want me

to throw my ears at her?

     She is asking us to listen to her.

"All ears on me" is an idiom.

Idioms are phrases that have a meaning

that is different from what the words say.



When I look at my desk at school,

it makes me look like a pack rat.

What does that mean? Am I really a rat?

No, I am not a rat.

The words "pack rat " are an idiom

that means someone is really messy.




When I go to school,

I am as happy as

a pig in the mud .







I really mean I love coming to school!


When I get in trouble,

Mrs. Harris is

as mad as a hornet .

Does that mean

she has turned into a hornet?




No, "mad as a hornet" is an idiom.

Since hornets get really mad,

someone who is mad as a hornet

is really mad.

I told my friend to finish her work

and not sit there

like a bump on a log .

Did my friend turn

into a bump on a log?




No, she did not turn into a bump on a log.

The words "bump on a log" are an idiom.

Since bumps on logs do nothing,

I was really saying my friend does nothing.



I keep trying to finish

my work first,

but it's a dog eat dog world.



Who let the dogs out?

No one. The words

"a dog eat dog world"

mean that everyone is

doing their best to be the best.

When my parents saw

my report card,

they really

chewed me out.



Ouch! That would hurt!

I'm glad the words

"chewed me out"

really mean they yelled at me.

When I came

to take my CRCT,

my teacher said,

"Chill out."




I'm so glad

she was telling

me to relax.

So I did.


This test is easy as pie!



Hey, I'm on a diet

and I'm not going

to eat any tests!


Oh, "easy as pie"

means something was very easy?

I knew that.

This book is dedicated to the students in my class

who make coming

to school so much fun!