Tucker's Big Game

By: Sarah White

Tucker was so excited for Spring to finally be here. It meant that baseball season   would be starting VERY soon.

Tucker had played baseball every Spring and Summer since he was 5 years old. Now that he was 11 years old, Tucker was finally able to play with the older boys. He was very excited about this and could not wait for the first day of practice.

Every day Tucker would go out to his backyard after school and take some practice swings  so that he would be ready to go on the first day of practice. The first practice could not come fast enough.

Finally, it was Saturday! The first day of practice was finally here. Tucker woke up very early and got dressed for practice. He was so excited that he couldn't eat breakfast. His dad, who was one of his coaches this year, drove him to practice. Tucker could not sit still in the car.

The first day of practice went so well! Tucker thought to himself, 'I'm going to like playing baseball with the older boys.' When he got home, Tucker could not wait to tell his mom and brother, Cooper, all about his first practice.

Tucker's team was the Curveballs and their first big game was going to be next Saturday. Tucker was so excited! Each night, Tucker slept with his glove  under his pillow and had dreams of what the first big game would be like.

As he got closer and closer to the big game, Tucker started to get nervous . He didn't want to mess up and lose the game for his teammates.

It was finally Saturday, the day of the big first game. The game started off really well, until the 7th and final inning . The Curveballs were playing the Sluggers, the best hitting team in the league .

The Sluggers were winning, 5 to 3. This was the Curveballs' last chance to score and win the game. Tucker was their last hope. The bases were loaded and there were two outs.

Tucker was so nervous , he didn't think he could bat. Everyone in the crowd was cheering, "Go Tucker!" and "Come on Tucker! You can do it!"

He stepped up to the plate  and on the first pitch, hit the ball. He couldn't believe it. He started running to first base . Next thing he knew, everyone was screaming in excitement. Tucker had hit the winning hit! It was a grand slam ! The Curveballs had won the game!

Tucker became confident  that he could play baseball with the older boys. And for the rest of the season , Tucker was not nervous  when it was game day!