Who Comes Out On a Starry Night?


Written and Illustrated by

The S.E.S. Art Club 2010

COVER ART by Asia, Aliyah, Jack, Claudia, Reagan, Jaden and Austin.

Jack Owl



Who Comes Out On A Starry Night? was written and illustrated by the 2010 Art Club Students:

Adrianna, Aliyah, Asia, Audae, Austin, Claudia, D'arcy, Ellie, Haley, Jack, Jordan, Kate, Kenny, Logan, Mary, Meridyth, Reagan and Siara.


We were inspired by art and science lessons in art club that began with the study of museum masterpiece paintings by Vincent Van Gogh.



Ms. Jones, Art Teacher and S.E.S. Art Club Leader





I am brown and I am loud.  I can howl and I have black eyes.  I hunt at night.  I can live in the woods.  I sneak at night.  I like things like chickens at night. 


What am I ?

Kenny wolf




I am scary.  I am not alive.  I come out at night because then people can see me.  I can fly.  I can live anywhere.


What am I?

jordan ghost




I only come out at night.  I am a creature that is sometimes nice and sometimes I can be mean.  I have wings and I can fly in the sky.


Who am I?

Siara Guess
Siara's ___________. Guess What?




I am black with spots.  I eat flies.  I have babies in sacks.  I have eight legs and so do my babies.  I make my house on the floor.


Who am I?

Haley spider




I live in Rome and I live in the woods in Rome so I live far in the woods.  I am a little animal.  I live in a hole in the woods. 


Who am I?

logan cat




I will eat mice.  I am brown and I fly down.  I go Hoo, Hoo, Hoo.  I have feathers and a beak.  I have claws.


What am I?

mary cat
A Snowy Owl by Mary




I can fly but I am not a kind of bird.  I suck the blood of mammals, even humans but I only hunt at night.  I am related to a fictional character.  My color is a dark night black.  I live in old wells, dark towns, abandoned buildings, hollow trees and caves. 


Who am I?

adrianna vampire
Adrianna's Vampire Bat




I am amphibian.  I have yellowish gold colors.  I have scales like a snake but I am not a snake.  Sometimes I live in a tank, but sometimes I am set free in a nearby lake, pond, river or stream.  In captivity I eat fish food.  I like to swim around.  My owner feeds me daily.  In the wild I hunt daily and hope to catch something in the morning and at night.  If I do not catch food that same night and I can get two servings of food the next morning I do that. 


What amphibian am I?

reagan fish




I am a flying animal.  I am not a feathered friend.  My color is black.  I do not suck blood but I do eat fruit.  I love to hunt.  I love to hunt at night.  I am nocturnal.  I sound like ee ee ee ee ee ee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


What am I?

audae fruit bat




I am an animal who lives in the Eastern United States.  I'm a horned animal full of feathers and I like to hunt.  I stare for food that fits my appetite.  At night I look for squirrels and I look for mice.  And, I come out at night!



ellie owl




I can swim in the water.  I have big eyes.  I have a tail.  I slither.  I have scales.  I do not have legs.  I squirm.  I  can come out at night to hunt mice and frogs.


What am I?

claudia snake





Kate monster
Kate's Night Monster