Once upon a time, very long ago, there was a woman named Mary who was going to marry a man named Joseph.

One day, an angel came down from the sky and said to Mary:

"Don't be frightened. You are going to have a baby and he will be the son of God. His name will be Jesus, and he will be very special".

Mary and Joseph were very happy and soon after they got married.

In those times there was a census , and everyone had to go back to the city they were born in.

Joseph and Mary were living in Nazareth , so they had to go back to their hometown , Bethlehem .

By that time Mary was pregnant with their baby, so the 3 of them started the journey to Bethlehem .

It was a long trip, and when the night came they arrived to Bethlehem , but all the places were full and they had no where to stay in.

Since they couldn't find any place in town they decided to stay in a nearby barn .

There, their baby was born. They wrapped him in a blanket and named him Jesus, just like the angel had told them.

At the same time baby Jesus was born, a very shiny and bright star appeared on top of the barn .

Very close, there were some shepherds with their sheep.

Suddenly, and angel appeared to them and said:

"A baby has been born in a nearby barn . He is very special, so you must go see him. Follow the bright and shiny star and you will find him".

So the shepherds took their sheep and went to see baby Jesus.

There were 3 kings on a journey at that time. They were known as The 3 Wisemen .

When they saw the bright and shiny star they knew something very special had happened. They decided to follow the star and soon found the barn too.

Everyone arrived at the barn to see baby Jesus. 

The shepherds offered the wool from their sheep to keep baby Jesus warm. The 3 Wisemen offered the gifts that they were carrying.

Everyone stayed together and celebrated the birth of that very special baby, Jesus.

From that day on, every year we celebrate Christmas as the day when baby Jesus was born.

Christmas is on December 25th, and many people around the world celebrate it.