Andy's Science Study

The Road to the Science Fair

1. Decide on a Topic and Pose a Problem/Question 

Andy has always been interested in Science and Engineering.  Science Fair projects should have great implications for society, so Andy decides to study the relationship between texture and temperature.  This topic is important to society because it allows engineers to use the best materials in building projects.  He creates a question to answer for the Science Fair: How does the texture of a surface effect the absorbance of heat? 


2. Conduct Background Research and Organize Bibliography

Andy’s next step was to find reliable sources to get information about his topic.  He uses books and scholarly journals to locate results from other scientists in the field.  Andy begins his research paper by using this information and including internal citations of sources.  As he uses each source, he records the author, title, publisher, and other information in bibliography format.


3. Compose a Hypothesis

Andy needs to create a hypothesis to answer his research question.  The hypothesis must be an “If” “then” statement.  His hypothesis will answer the question “How does the texture of a surface effect the absorbance of heat?”.  He creates the following hypothesis: “If the texture becomes increasingly rough, then more heat will be absorbed”.


4. Choose Variables

Andy’s variables are aspects of his experiment that change as he conducts the project, and most of the time variables are measurable.  Andy’s variables are the texture of the surface and the amount of heat absorbed, which are already determined from his Problem/Question.  The independent variable is the one that is controlled by the scientist, like the textures that Andy will change throughout the experiment.  Andy makes sure to include a paragraph in his paper about his hypothesis and variables.


5. Design a Procedure and Determining the Control

Andy needs to design an experiment that will test his hypothesis.  Andy writes procedures that he will follow to obtain a set of data.  He includes procedures in paragraph form in his paper, and numbered form for his presentation board.  In order to ensure that the independent variable is the only aspect that affects the amount of heat absorbed, there need to be controlled variables .  Some of Andy’s controlled variables are the uniform material sizes throughout the experiment as well as the steady room temperature of the laboratory setting.


6. Collect Data and Create Graphs

Andy creates a data table , conducts his experiment, and records data for each material.  He performs each test five times for accuracy .  Then he uses his experimental findings to create graphic representations for his paper and display board.  Andy uses spreadsheet and presentation software to manipulate his data.


7. Analyze Data

Andy uses his data table and graphs to determine trends in his work.  He is able to recognize an increase or decrease in the temperature of each material.  By viewing the trend lines on his graphs, he is able to analyze which materials absorb more or less heat.  In his research paper, Andy needs to summarize his data analysis using specific references back to his graphs.


8. Conclusion

Andy needs to create a conclusion for his Science Fair Project in two different formats.  He should have a paragraph in his paper and a section on his display board.  His conclusion must answer his originally posed problem/question.  Additionally, he needs to address the accuracy of the hypothesis.  At this point, Andy may want to highlight any major data conclusions from the analysis section of his paper.   Next he would discuss any error in the experiment, anything he would have done differently, and any ideas for further study.


9. Prepare Science Board

Now Andy is ready to complete his last step in preparing for the Science Fair.  He will complete his presentation/display board.  The board can be done many different ways, but should always include key components.  For organizational purposes, many students print the information on presentation slides.  The board should include an introduction, problem, hypothesis, variables, graph, conclusion, pictures, need for further study, and any other important information.


10. Presentation of Findings 

Andy is done with his final product.  It’s time to present to the judges .  Before Andy does his final presentation at the Science Fair, it’s a great idea for him to practice by presenting to some of his classmates and family members.  Another helpful idea is to write down some notes on index cards to guide himself. 


Good Work! 

If you've completed all of the steps in the book,  you're all done with your Science Fair Project!



Copyright: All work is original by Hailey Silverstein