The Wandering Pterodactyl


Written and Illustrated by Danielle Searles


Copyright © 2010

Danielle Searles

All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author.

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This book was created to help students deal with ethical issues transistioning from middle school to high school.  The most beneficial use of the book is to show middle school student before they reach high school. 

This book was created as part of my INDT 531 course.

Nick loved to learn about dinosaurs and the types that once roamed the earth, really who wouldn't.  Dinosaurs can be big, small, fly, swim, walk, run; some are carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores and existed way before humans. 

But what happens when Nick brings a Pterodactyl to Algebra class?

Hi, my name is Nick this year I seem to be having trouble following the rules in algebra class.  My mom and teacher say I have ADHD .  I think class is just too long though and we have to sit the whole time!

Sometimes I make sounds in class like a Pterodactyl and my teacher does not think that it is "appropriate for our learning environment."  I tell her we could find out how long ago Pterodactyl’s lived and then it would be math related! 



The teacher tells me that it is not part of the lesson and stop making Pterodactyl calls.  Problem with that...I am not trying to disrupt class, they just come out unintentially. 

My teacher wants to figure out a way to keep me on track so I don't disrupt the class without her having to stop and talk to me everytime.   This disrupts the class and draws attention to unwanted behaviors... so she says. 

 I had a meeting with my teacher after class about trying to control my vocal dinosaur .  Together we came up with something that may help.



My teacher put a picture of the Pterodactyl in the corner of my desk.  Just looking at it reduces the number of times I get the urge to make the calls. When I slip up she just looks at me and taps the corner of a desk to remind me. 

My teacher was pretty awesome about it.  She told me that I could tell the other students I put the Pterodactyl there, on account of it being my symbol in class.  I was glad because it helped and I didn't have to tell other kids it was for me to stay on track.

I am still having trouble in class though. Appartently wandering around during class is not acceptable either.  Just when I fix one problem another comes up...

So again my teacher calls me in for a meeting to discuss my traveling in class.  I think that she thinks I am trying to be a class clown.  It's not true though, I just can not sit that long!

My teacher is frustrated that I am causing disruptions AGAIN.  She asks me why I find the need to get up during class.  I spent all night trying to think of a reason to give her besides "I am bored"...  She doesn't like that answer and believe it or not I am actually not bored. 

I really am not tyring to cause problems and I don't understand why my first year in high school is becoming endangered.  I wish I could be extinct during math class like the pterodactyl. 

Wait a minute ...

Last year I was in middle school and we had class for only 40 minutes a day.  This year we have class for 90 minutes straight.  I want to pay attention but I just need a break, an hour and a half is just too long.  (See I am good at math, 90 minutes is an hour and a half)

The next day I tell my teacher that I am having a hard time adapting to having to sit for 90 minutes and that in middle school it was definitiely less.  My teacher says she appreciates "my reflection on my behavior" and will try to find a way to help. 

The next day the teacher took volunteers to come to the board.  She had us get up and work in stations.  She also allowed for a couple minutes in the middle of the period for the whole class to stretch and take a break.

Oh my goodness guys, you wouldn't believe it... I went a whole day without getting in trouble :) Like I said I really wasn't trying to be a class clown. 

After a week of staying out of trouble, the teacher called me in for another meeting.  Seriously how am I distracting people now... am I chewing my gum to loud?

Instead, to my suprise my teacher was not upset with me.  She wanted to tell me how she was proud of my behavior in class and my effort to stay on track. 

I think what made the most difference was that my teacher did not single me out in class and make changes that only dealt with me. 

All the other students were moving around too and no one knew that this was because of my ADHD and problems staying still for 90 minutes.

I had a good rest of the year in algebra class and decided that my teacher was not out to get me.  Turns out she just wanted to help me do my best by finding ways to deal with my ADHD togeather. 

I will always remember my teacher for not only helping me to do better in her class, but also helping me to be an advocate for my education.  I now know how to talk to a teacher and other adults when I need an adaptation to help my learning. 

The last day of class I gave my teacher a crank up walking pterodactyl dinosaur to remember me by. 


Scarterfield, Jeff. (2010). The Mighty Flighty Pterodactyl.

     Retrieved July 12, 2010 from    

All other images were retrieved from Microsoft online 2007 clip art.