The Kooky Kittens

The Kooky Kittens:  Pepper and Google, relaxing in a basket after playing.

Written by:  Vanessa Engel

Photography by:  Vanessa Engel

Read by:  Vanessa Engel

This kooky kitten is Pepper.  Pepper loves to peer down at me from very high places.

This kooky kitten is Google.  Google loves to tear around the house with his claws out.

These kooky kittens, Pepper and Google, are brothers.  This pair of brothers enjoy doing lots of things together.

These kooky kittens love to wrestle...


and gnaw on each other.

After a very long day of play, these kooky kittens get a refreshing drink of water from the glass vase...

and take a very...

very long kooky kitten cat nap.

The End

See you A-ROUND!