Learning Letter P p


By Jessica Halterman

speech and language

What sound does letter Pp make?

Say the sound along with me /p/.





Use your finger to trace the letter Pp in the air.

Start with the upper case letter. 

When you are finished do the lower case.



tracing letter Pp




Can you hear the /p/ sound

at the beginning of pig? 

  p i g

Many words begin with p.

Do you see the pig in a pot?

pig in a pot

 Pig begins with the letter p. 

 say /p/        p i g



I am a plump pink pig.

The letter p can be at the end of a word.

say /p/      m o p

A pigs eats slop!

pig eating slop

It's your turn to make words using the letter and sound of p.

_ en






Now try it with p as the ending sound.








pig in a pocket
pig in a pocket


It's time to go.

Put pig in a pocket and tuck him away.

We will learn a new letter another day!