The Three Parts of a Story




By: Mrs. Erickson

Have you ever written a book? For many of you, this may not be something you have had the opportunity to do. So we will be learning about the three main parts of a story.

The first part of a story is the beginning. This part of the story lets us know a little bit about the characters, setting, and plot . It helps us understand who, what, where, and when. The beginning can be any length ranging from a page to several chapters.

The second part of any story is the middle. In the middle of the story there is some type of conflict . The conflict begins in the middle and is usually resolved later during the third part of the book. The middle is generally the longest part of the story. The middle answers the questions of why.

The last part of the story is the end. The end of the book finds a resolution or resolves the conflict. The end is when the beginning starts becoming a finalized story. Endings help us answer the question of how. How is the book finished and how is the conflict resolved? The end of the book is similar to the beginning where it can be one paragraph to several chapters long.

Now it's your turn. Using what you have learned from this book, write your own short story. You story can be as long or short as you want as long as it has the beginning, middle, and end. Let your imagination go wild.