Thousands of years ago in ancient China, small villages built walls to protect themselves against attacks from outside villages and tribes.  More than 300,000 peasants helped in building the Great Wall of China.

The first villages constructed the wall out of mud, clay, sticks and stone.  These basic constructions served as modest barriers, but over time people became better at building, and the wall became constructed entirely in brick and stone.    

Portions of the Great Wall of China were first built over two thousand years ago.  Since its origin, construction of the Great Wall of China has taken place over hundreds of years by generations of people.

The Great Wall of China stretches throughout mountains and plains, forests and deserts for over 5,000 miles across northern China.

Today, the Great Wall of China is a world renowned travel destination that receives thousands of visitors each year.

The Great Wall of China ranges between 15 and 30 feet tall and is wide enough for a car to drive on.