
The three nutrient groups that give us energy.

Thier are two types of Carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates which is called Glucose.

Complex carbohydrates which is called Glycogen.





We need carbohydrates to provides us with our daily energy. Each gram of carbohydrates provides us with 4 calories of energy.

In our daily diet we should eat about 60% of all our calories in the form of carboydrates.


Their are many different types of fats.

  • Saturated fats which come from animal sources.
  • Unsaturated fats which come from plant sources.

20-30% of your total dietary calories should come from fats.

1 gram of fat provides 9 calories of energy.


Protein provides us with some energy. They have 4 calories per gram. However, we eat protein for the amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of our body.

15% to 20% of our daily calories should come from protein.

Meat is a very good source of protein.