Rock n Roll

The Story of the Rock Cycle

There are three types of rocks:

  • Sedimentary
  • Igneous
  • Metamorphic

This diagram describes the entire process of the Rock Cycle


Igneous Rocks are made from magma.  They are similar to eggs.  The shell of the egg could be described as the crust of the earth, the egg white the mantle, and the yolk the core.

Igneous rocks were formed when lava came out of the volcanoes.  The lava then cooled and became igneous rock.

Erosion is the process that rocks go through when they are worn down over time due to freezing, weathering, and thawing of water.  The stone's surface has small cracks in them and over time the rain beats down on them and breaks the rock down.

Sedimentary rocks are formed as igneious rocks are moved over the years.  These broken pieces of rock are collected at the bottom of bodies of water and compressed together to form sedimentary rock.

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have made many changes over time.  Sometimes igneous and sedimentary rocks change into metamorphic rocks.  Sometimes over time they are forces down into the center of the earth.   This forms the earth's crust. 

The rocks are pushed down into the earth. They are pressed down into the hot center of the earth and melt into magma.

Magma is how the rock cycle began.  Now the rock cycle has made a full circle! Original Author: