Webmastering: Lesson 3-6 Vocabulary

Created by Wilson Ngo

Lesson 3 Vocabulary

1.       Docked – Panes anchored to a specific location at the edge of the FrontPage window.


2.       Editing Window – The primary workspace for creating and editing Web pages.


3.       Floating – When a pane is not anchored to a specific location in the window.


4.       Font Face – A set of characters that have a defined style.


5.       Formatting Toolbar – The toolbar that allows the user to adjust the appearance of text on a Web page, including Alignment, Front Size, Style, and Bold.


6.       Heading – Appears larger and bolder than regular text and has extra white space above and below it to help it stand out.


7.       Horizontal Space – The space to the right and left of the image.


8.       Menu – All actions you can perform, including those accessed through a toolbar.


9.       Page Tab – The top of the editing window enable you to quickly move among the pages in your Web site.


10.   Pane – A section of the window that can display options or information that isn’t available in other areas of the window.


11.   Sans-Serif Font – Do not have small lines on the ends of the letters and appear plain.


12.   Serif Font – A font that has small lines or strokes on the ends of the letters.

13.   Standard Toolbar – The toolbar that provides access to the most common actions performed by users, including Copy, Paste, and Save.

14.   Vertical Space – The space above and below an image.

15.   Views Bar – The toolbar displayed in the left side of the FrontPage window where icons can be chosen to obtain information contained in the main area of the window, including the page, Folders and Hyperlinks icons.

16.   Visual Interface – A set of menus and tools used to build a Web page in place of writing code.

17.   Web-Safe Colors – Colors that generally appear the same in all browsers.

Lesson 4 Vocabulary

1. Cell – An enclosed space in a table. Cells are formed by the intersection of rows and columns in an HTML tale. They hold the data/content that makes up the table.


2. Cell Padding – The amount of space between the border and the content of a cell.


3. Cell Spacing – The amount of space between two cells.


4. Column – A vertical section of a table.


5. Hierarchical Structure – A Web site structure used when there are clear categories and subcategories. Typically, all pages stem from a central welcome or home page.


6. Linear Structure – A Web site structure used when you want users to view the pages in a specific order, much like reading a book.


7. Link – A pointer to a document somewhere on the Web. A link facilitates a way to get from one page (or document) to another


8. Local Site – A Web site that is kept on the hard drive of a computer or on a local network for development and maintenance purposes.


9. Mission Statement – A short and concise statement describing a



10. Mixed Structure – A web site structures to best suit a user’s needs.


11. Page Properties – A dialog box that allows the properties of an entire page to be set.


12. Page Title – The name given to a page that appears in the title bar of a browser window.


13. Random Access Structure – A web site structure used where pages are not arranged in any specific order and users can quickly access any information with a single click.


14. Remote Site – A web site that is kept on a server and is accessible from the internet.


15. Row – A horizontal section of a table.


16. Target Audience  - A specific  group of viewers that are targeted to be influenced.


17. Template – A web page that is used to base other pages on in order to make building and maintaining a web site easier.


18. Theme – A collection of graphic elements, design, and colors that present a consistent image throughout a web site.


19. Web Presence Provider – The vehicle through which a web site is released to the public.

Lesson 5 Vocabulary

1. Child - A lower-level page on a Web site that links to its parent and may link to another child.

2. Interactive - A Web page or computer application that responds to a user's activity.

3. Keyword - Descriptive text that identifies a characterisitc of a sound clip or the topic of a sound clip.

4. Link bar - A set of several hyperlinks that enable users to navigate a Web site.

5. MIDI - A sound file that contains instructional data. MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface.

6. Mp3 file - A sound file format that offers a highly compressed sound, saving valuable download time.

7. Multimedia - The combined use of several types of mefdia into one package.

8. Parent - The upper-level pae of a Web site that has links to one or more children.

9. Rollver - An image that is switched with another image when a cursor is moved over it.

10. Sub-navigation - A menu that appears only on the section of a Web site to which it pertains.

11. Top-navigation - The main menu for a Web site that contains links to all of the major sections(pages) and appears on all pages of a Web site.

12. Wave file - The orginal sound file standard for Window users. Outputs a great quality of sound but can be a large file.

Lesson 6 Vocabulary

1. Check Box - A form element that allows users to check more than one option from a group of items for a given question.

2. Drop-down box - A scrollable box that represents a list of options to the user where one or more items may be selected.

3. Form - An element used on a Web page to collect information from users.

4. Menu - A form element; a drop-down box from which a user can choose only a single item.

5. Option button - A group of options from which a user can select that limits users to one choice within the groups; also known as radio buttons.

6. Picture field - An image used as a button instead of the standard gray button.

7. Results - The informatiojn that a user enters into a form.

8. Text area - A form element that alows a user to type a large quantities of information.

9. Text box - A form element that allows the user to enter a single word or a few words.

10. Validate - To check the contents entered into the text fields by the user to make sure all of the information has been enetered properly.