The Hope of Easter

Found in the story of Job

Job 1:1-5

There once was a man named Job. Job was feared  the Lord, keeping His commands . He was very wealthy and always gave a portion of what he had back to the Lord in gratitude . Job loved the Lord and was righteous in His eyes.

Job 1:1-3


Job's family had many feasts in order to celebrate birthdays and other festivals. Job's sons and daughters invited their spouses to these extravagant parties that often became quite wild. Job always offered the Lord sacrifices  on his children's behalf, because they didn't give back to God.

Job 1:4-5



The angels  came to present themselves to the Lord. Satan  came along with them. God asked Satan if he had considered His servant Job, a righteous man who is blameless and upright. He "fears God and shuns evil" (Job 1:8). Satan argued that God protected Job from any kind of affliction; Satan bet that Job would curse God if he experienced suffering.

Job 1:6-11


God said that Satan couldn't hurt Job's body...but he hurt everything else! Job's fields were destroyed, his house collapsed, and his family members died.



Job responded in faithfulness , saying that God gave him all of these things and has the power to take them away. In addition to this statement, Job even praised the Lord! But Satan was skeptical. Satan tried to test God, saying that Job didn't curse God because his body was spared. So God afflicted Job's body as well.

Job 1:20


Job's friends told him to curse God and wallow in his sufferings. Although he struggled immensely, Job never abandoned his faith .

Job 2



Job interrogated God, begging God to recall that he was a righteous man who feared the Lord.

Job questioned God, wondering why God would afflict him, especially since he was a righteous follower  of the Lord.

Job 7


Though he was miserable, Job trusted in the resurrection. He states: \

Though his body destroyed, his house demolished, and his friendships detrimental, Job continued to put his trust in the Lord's promise  to redeem mankind.

Job 19:25


Job's hope was in the resurrection of the Messiah to come. He still questioned God and God reminded Job that He created the world and all that's in it.

Throughout this time, God reminded Job that Job was not present when the world was created, nor does he have the depth of insight that God does. Basically, God reminded Job that God was God, and Job was man.

Job 38:1-32


Job was justified because of his faith. God granted healing to his body and restored all that he had, multiplying his wealth!

God loved Job and because of his righteous faith, God healed him, restoring him to greater health and wealth than ever before.

Job 42:10


Job was hopeless. He couldn't do anything to fix his house, heal his body, or restore his relationships. But, he trusted that God could solve his problems. God kept His promise when Jesus died for our sins!

Because of what Jesus did on Easter, we all are free to be ourselves! We are all different, but Jesus' death and resurrection brings us together in Him!