Tito The Tiger

Bengal Tiger Cub

Written by Kyle Gauser

© 2011, Gauser.

This book is dedicated to my parents who made reading so special for me.

Tito's Parents


My name is Tito the Tiger. My home was in a jungle in India with my family and friends. We were all very happy.

This is a crane.

     One morning I woke up and saw that there were people near my village . The people had a crane with them.

     I was scared. People had never been that close to my village .

Tito is scared.

The tiger is mad.

Go people go leave our home alone.

     The next morning when I woke up the people were close to my home. They were digging up the land around my home with the crane . The people began to put up buildings very close to my home.

The people are building near Tito's village.

The tiger is mad.

Go people go leave our home alone.

Tito and his family are moving away from the people.

     All of the tigers near my home were scared. My parents told me we had to move farther into the jungle . We had to get away from the people.

The tiger is mad.

Go people go leave our home alone.

Tito is walking through the jungle.

     We moved farther into the jungle . No matter how far we moved the people and buildings keep getting closer to us.

The tiger is mad.

Go people go leave our home alone.

     Soon buildings and people were all around us. There was no more land for my family and the other tigers.

There was no more land for Tito and the other tigers.

The tiger is mad.

Go people go leave our home alone.

     We walked the streets of the city and looked for somewhere to live. But we could not find anything but buildings and people.

Tito and his family were in the city.

This is a zookeeper.

     In the city my family met a man who works at the zoo. He told us that we can all have a home at the zoo.

     The man brought all of us to the zoo. He set up a cage for us that was almost the same as our old village .

Tito and his family are at their new home in the zoo.

Tito misses his home.

     The cage at the zoo is very nice but we all miss having our own land. I wish I could return to my village . I wish I could be free again. 

Citation Page

Bengal Tiger Picture First Page-http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidconger

Picture Page 3-http://www.flickr.com/photos/guppiecat/4388106099

Picture Page 4- http://www.flickr.com/photos/didbygraham/5038981858

Picture Page 5- http://www.flickr.com/photos/manager_2000/2933277705

Picture Page 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 -http://www.flickr.com/photos/guppiecat/4388108537

Picture Page 7-http://www.flickr.com/photos/mattimattila/3602654187

Picture Page 9- http://www.flickr.com/photos/chucksta416/3985867628

Picture Page 11-http://www.flickr.com/photos/guppiecat/4388874444

Picture Page 13-http://www.flickr.com/photos/jnarin/4418854478

Picture Page 15- http://www.flickr.com/photos/sprengben/4510660465

Picture Page 16- http://www.flickr.com/photos/thesuperstar/302351178/sizes/m/in/photostream

Picture Page 17- http://www.flickr.com/photos/fwp/151859444

Picture Page 18- http://www.flickr.com/photos/shootingchris/31007619