Bubbles has troubles taking notes in class. 


With help from his teacher, Mrs. Krumbles, they discovered ways to solve Bubbles note taking troubles.


Bubbles noticed he was not able to keep up with note taking.  He found it boring and was missing very important information. 

Working with his teacher, Mrs. Krumbles,  she made a hand-out for Bubbles to use when it came time to take notes.

This showed Bubbles how to get organized when taking notes.

Bubbles was having a hard to time writing his notes so he could read them later.  His hand writing was messy and disorganized. Trying to copy word for word was impossible to do.

Bubbles and Mrs. Krumbles practiced short hand note taking and worked on making his writing legible for studying his notes later.  She taught him quick tricks, such as using the "&" sign instead of writing the word "and". 

Bubbles notes no longer looked like disorganized word art. 

Bubbles had troubles knowing what notes to take and when to take them.  With direction from Mrs. Krumbles, he knows when to take notes, Bubbles remembers the importance of organization by following his teachers directions on important points throughout the lesson.  He follows her key points by watching, listening, and reading the overheads and handouts she provides to Bubbles and his classmates.

Bubbles now has all the notes he needs to study for his exams.  Mrs. Krumbles sets aside quality time for Bubbles and his classmates to go over their notes.  Together with his classmates, Bubbles will have no troubles reviewing his notes to prepare for his test!

Bubbles learned that if he follows Mrs. Krumbles direction and remembers his organization tips, he can arrange his notes to construct a useful study tool when it comes time to prepare for his exams!


Mastropieri, M and T. Scruggs.  (2007).  The Inclusive Classroom.  Columbus, OH: Pearson.