



Exploring the worlds of the

Unknown, Unsung & Unnoticed.





 Written & Photographed by

Keisha S. Agard









Dedicated to my shockingly amazing daughter


who is always

in search of a new worlds to master.

How to use this book


Use the prompt to gather clues to answer the question

at the bottom of each page.


Happy guessing!





When you hear the phrase "Masters of Their Domain",

what kind of person do you automatically think of?




Do you think of someone who is...








Or maybe you're thinking along the lines of someone who    

works hard at their own craft.


Those who have sought to 'master' their own domains...



There are masters of the high...

and masters of the low.

Some that work up high...

...and some that work way down below.

There are some concerned with building things up...

...and some who break them down.

There are some who deliver...

...and some who collect.

There are some who supply...

...and some who sustain.

Some who repair...

...and some who replace.

There are some masters who create...

...some who operate,

...and some who illuminate.



















                                        The world has many 'masters'.



commodity- useful thing

dense- very thick and heavy

discard- throw away

easel- support for an artist’s canvas

fragrant- sweet-smelling

illuminate- bring light to something

operate- to make something work

protective- meant to take care of something

sustain- to help something keep going

vehicle- something that moves people or things from place to place

voltage- having electricity