This Little Piggie

By George Godinho

One day on the farm, the animals gathered to discuss how unfair life was.  The chickens complained that they had to lay eggs all day and only got some dried up corn to eat.  The cow didn't like the fact that even though she gave the farmer milk, he only let her eat the grass.  The horse said that for all of his hard work, he deserved more than just hay.  They all agreed that the pig, who's name was Fred, should share his food because he didn't do anything.  Fred didn't like to share.  He replied that the farmer likes him the best.

The chickens said, "Fred please share some of your food.  It looks so delicious and you have more than you can eat."

Fred replied, "No. It's mine. The farmer likes me the best."

Fred laid around all day relaxing and eating.

The cow said to Fred, "since the farmer gives you some of my milk, why wont you share some of your cookies with me?"

Fred replied, "No. They are for me.  The farmer gave them to me because he likes me the best."

Fred sat in a barrel of water eating cookies with milk.

Early one morning the farmer came to Fred and gave him a huge bowl of food.  He said to Fred, "Eat up Fred, we have to go in a little while."

Fred smiled back at the rest of the animals as he ate his early morning meal.  When the farmer left, Fred yelled out, "I told you he likes me the best!"

Later that morning Fred hopped into the horses wagon because the farmer told them they were going for a ride.  The farmer gave Fred another plate of food and sent them on their way.  the horse looked back at Fred and said, "You know Fred, I am doing all the work pulling you around.  Why don't you share some of that food with me?"

Fred answered, "The farmer gave it to me.  It's mine and you can't have any.  He likes me the best."

The horse continued to pull the wagon with Fred inside all the way to the neighbor's house.  When they arrived, the farmer was there to greet them.  Fred got out of the wagon and the horse was sent back home.

The following morning the animals around the farm noticed something different.  It was past 7 o'clock and the farmer hadn't come out to feed them yet.  They also noticed that Fred was nowhere to be found.  They wondered what was going on.  After about an hour they started complaining that they were hungry and the farmer was probably still feeding Fred because he likes Fred the best.

That morning the farmer prepared a special breakfast, for himself.  As he sat down to his glass of milk, sunny side up egg and delicious bacon.  He thought to himself, "I knew that pig would eat everything I gave him.  He finally got fat enough for me to have some bacon.  I like bacon the best."