The Hallway

(triggers that could make you late for class)

listen to the audio below

(bell ringing & noisy hallway)


play audio (bell rings)

Kendra: Hi Mister Strong! What are we doing today? I have my homework to turn in. I am glad that I am not late again. I don't like having to stay after school when I have been tardy, plus I miss things.

Luke:I am going to see if I can slip in here without Mister Strong knowing, I am late again...I cannot handle another after school detention. I also want to get a good grade in here.

Mister Strong: I see you Luke, I know you can do better than that, what is holding you up in the hallway?

Luke: I don't know, Mister Strong...

Mister Strong: Well, think about it, I know you can figure out how to handle things so that you get in here on time Luke. Remember when we talked about triggers the other day? Did you think about what your triggers are? They are things that might get you into trouble if you are not careful?

Luke: Okay Mister Strong I will try harder.

What sorts of triggers have you heard in the story so far? Do they remind you of anything that happens in your life at school? What? How do you handle them?

Student response:

Think for a moment about triggers that could make you late for class and how you handle it,write it, then we will discuss.


middle school bell schedule

Mister Strong:  Lets review triggers for just a moment...

Listen to the audio below(bell rings, girls chatter and play too much)


Mister Strong: Kendra, what are your triggers?

Kendra: The girls want to spend too much time in the restroom putting on makeup or talking in the hall.

Mister Strong: Aah, how do you handle that?

Kendra: I just try to remember that we only have three minutes between the bell and that is not very much time, so I don't goof off.


Does Kendra's response remind you of anything that happens outside of school that might be a trigger? If so what? Think about are in control of your own life.


Student Response:

Talk with a partner about what your triggers are and how you could role play the situations together.


Science class

Science Class

Mister Strong:

Hello Students,

Today we will be having a quiz as soon as lunch is over, be sure to return from lunch before the bell rings.

Lets review while we have time.

Wow..time has flown, have a good lunch,

Listen to the audio below

(bell rings)


Kendra to Luke: Lunch was pretty good, are you ready for the quiz?

Luke: I don't know, let me go over here and talk to Brandon for a minute.

Kendra: There isn't much time remember!

Luke: Okay

Brandon: Hey dude, lets go see what Sybil is will only take a minute, I need to talk to her. Will you come with me?

Luke: No, I have to get to class. See you later.

Mister Strong.: Hi Luke! You made it back!

Luke: Yeah I did. Kendra smiles. The quiz begins as soon as the bell rings...

Play the audio again

(bell rings)


Mister Strong passes out the test. And Luke is ready for it, and the rest of the class is also learning as they watch what goes on. Remember we are all teaching  something by our actions.

Student Response:

What are some triggers that might keep you from being timely at school? Create a book on CAST about it.