Illustration of dinosaurs.

Written by Denise Perry, Mary Jo Koizumi, and Linda Bell from the Linden School in Malden, MA

Illustrated by Meg Lidrbauch

This book is dedicated to the children of Malden.




Special thanks to the Massachusetts Department of Education whose funding supported teachers and parents in the development of this story. © CAST, 2006

Illustration of dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs lived on the Earth millions of years ago.

Illustration of an elasmosaurus and a tyrannosaurus.
Some lived in the ocean but most dinosaurs lived on land.

Illustration of a giganotosaurus.
Dinosaurs were reptiles.  Most of them had scaly skin, a long tail, teeth, and claws on their fingers and toes.

Illustration of a seismosaurus and a tyrannosaurus.
Scientists have different opinions on which dinosaur was the biggest.  Was the seismosaurus or the tyrannosaurus the biggest?

Illustration of a compsognathus and a lesothosaurus.

Scientists have different opinions on which dinosaur was the smallest. 

Was the smallest dinosaur the Compsognathus or the Lesothosaurus?

Illustration of a stegosaurus, an pteranodon, and a velociraptor.
Some dinosaurs were fast runners and others were slow walkers.  Some dinosaurs were able to fly.

Illustration of a diplodocus and a triceratops.
What did dinosaurs eat?  Most dinosaurs were herbivores.  They ate plants.

Illustration of a megalosaurus and an allosaurus.
A few dinosaurs were carnivores.  They ate meat.

Illustration of an albertosaurus and an ankylosaurus.
Dinosaurs protected themselves from enemies in different ways.

Illustration of a tyrannosaurus.
The Tyrannosaurus had long fangs and claws.

Illustration of an ankylosaurus.
The Ankylosaurus was protected by body armor.

Illustration of a barosaurus.
The Barosaurus had a huge, strong tail that was used like a whip.

Illustration of a scientist digging up dinosaur bones.
How do we know so much about dinosaurs?  Scientists find and study fossils.

Illustration of dinosaur bones.
Dinosaur fossils are remains of their teeth, bones, and footprints that scientists find when they dig in the ground.

Illustration of a pteranoden, seismosaurus, and albertosaurus.
Dinosaurs no longer live on the Earth.  They disappeared 65 million years ago.  They are extinct.

The End!