The Three Gingerbread Men

By: Emily Springer

Once Upon a Time there were three Gingerbread men who went off on their own to build their houses.

The First Gingerbread man built his house out of twizzlers, which was not very strong.

One day the Big Bad Baker came and said "Gingerbread man Gingerbread man let me come in."

"Not by the icing that makes my griny grin grin!"

"Then i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your house down!"

And the Big Bad Baker huffed and puffed and blew the house down, but the Gingerbread man quickly ran off to the other Gingerbread mans house. As he ran he said "Run, run as fast as you, can you can't catch me i'm the Gingerbread man!"

The second Gingerbread man built his house with gum drops, which were not very strong.

One day the Big Bad Baker came and said "Gingerbread men, Gingerbread men let me in!"

"Not by the icing that make our griny grins grin!"

"Then i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your house down!"

And the Big Bad Baker huffed and puffed and blew the house down but the two Gingerbread men quickly ran off to the other Gingerbread mans house. And as they ran they said "Run run as fast as you can you can't catch us were Gingerbread men!"

The third Gingerbread man built his house with graham crackers, which were very strong.

One day the Big Bad Baker came and said "Gingerbread men Gingerbread men, let me in!"

"Not by the icing that make our griny grins grin!"

"Then i'll huff and i'll puff and blow your house down!"

So the Big Bad Baker huffed and puffed, but as hard as he tried he could not blow the house down.

Pretty soon the Big Bad Baker got tired of hufing ang puffing so he decided to give up, go home, and go to sleep.

The three Gingerbread men celebrated the whole night!

The next day the Gingerbread men started rebuilding thier houses, and this time they built thier houses with graham crackers.

The End