Shivers' Big Journey

Katie Guikema

John Koerner

Kylie Krause

Ben Nykerk

Shivers was a penguin. He lived in Antarctica, and was sick and tired of doing the same old penguin stuff. He had always heard stories of Santa and his elves. Oh how he wished he could be one! He wanted to make toys and drink hot chocolate all day.

Shivers decided to start swimming toward the North Pole, where Santa lived. He swam and swam and swam... after days of swimming he saw land! When he reached the shore, he looked around. It didn’t look like the North Pole here.

Shivers turned around and saw a kangaroo staring intently at him. “Hello,” Shivers replied, “My name is Shivers. Is this the North Pole? I want to work for Santa and I need to get there by Christmas.”
“It’s nice to meet you Shivers. I’m Carrie. Sorry to tell you this, but you are really far away from the North Pole. You just swam to Australia! The North Pole is much further north.”

“Thank you for your help, Carrie. You are a good friend. I wish I could stay, but I really must make it to the North Pole by Christmas,” said Shivers. He waved, then began swimming north. He swam and swam and swam...

Shivers looked up from his swim to see a snow covered land. Surely this must be the North Pole! He hopped out of the cold water to investigate. There were rolling hills in every direction, too many trees to count and no one in sight. Shivers knew he had found the North Pole, but he still had to find Santa’s work shop. He started walking and finally saw a big animal up ahead. A REALLY big animal...

The animal looked startled when he saw Shivers approach. Shivers saw it was a moose as he waddled up to him. “Hello moose, my name is Shivers. I’ve finally made it to the North Pole to work for you know where he lives?” The moose chuckled, “Well Shivers you are getting closer, but this is not quite the North Pole yet. You’re in Canada now, eh?” Shivers felt dejected , and must have looked that way, because the moose added “Just keep heading north Shivers, you will get there soon enough.” Shivers thanked him and waddled back for the shoreline...he was almost there!

Shivers swam and swam and when he was just about ready to give up on his dream of working for Santa, he saw the edge of snow-covered land!  He knew this must be the North Pole and he started swimming as fast as he could, even though he was already tired from his long journey.  When he finally reached land, Shivers began wandering around looking for Santa’s workshop.

Shivers approached a huge building with more Christmas lights decorating it than he had ever seen in his life!  He knew Santa must be inside, so Shivers decided to go right up to the front door and ask for a job.  *knock knock knock!*  When Santa answered, Shivers explained his lifelong dream of working in Santa’s workshop and very politely asked for a job.  Santa thought long and hard about what the penguin was asking, then said to him, “Well of course you can work here, Shivers!  The more the merrier!”

So, Shivers conquered his dream and lived in the North Pole. He got to work in Santa’s workshop with the elves, and was the happiest he had ever been.