Through Space

Written By:

Amanda, Brittany, and Mariah

All images in this book are taken from the NASA website at unless otherwise noted.

The eight planets in our solar system are; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Mercury is the  closest planet to the sun.  It's very rocky here and the smallest of all the planets.  There are no moons on Mercury.  It takes this planet 88 days to orbit the sun.

Our next planet closest to the sun is Venus.  This is the brightest planet and also the hottest at 860 degrees Fahrenheit.  There are mountains and craters on Venus. 

This planet is the only one that has water and life on it.  It is the third planet from the sun.  It has techtonic plates that cause volcanoes.  What planet am I?

Mars is also known as the Red Planet because it has a red tint to it.  Mars takes 685 days to orbit the sun.  The temperature drops to -125 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter.  This planet has the largest dust storms. 

The biggest planet in the solar system is Jupiter.  It is also the stormiest planet.  Jupiter is made of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia.  This planet also has 64 moons. 

This is the sixth planet from the sun.  Saturn is the only planet that has rings and which are thought to be composed of ice.  These rings orbit at all different speeds.  It has 18 moons and is the second largest planet. 

The seventh planet from the sun is Uranus.  This planet has 27 moons.  It takes Uranus 84 Earth years to complete one orbit around the sun.  It is tinted a blue-green color because much of the center is a frozen mass. 

The farthest planet from the sun is Neptune.  It is the third largest planet.  Only Jupiter and Saturn are larger.  This planet is a giant ball of helium and hydrogen.  While orbiting around the sun, Neptune also turns on its own axis. 

You have learned about the eight planets in our solar system.  There are many things that each planet has in common, but there are very unique characteristics as well.