The Tale of Molly Martin

By: Kelly Bourque

Creative Commons License
The Tale of Molly Martin by Kelly Bourque is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
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Mike: Hello! My name is Mike and this
is the school news show! Todays story
is about Molly Martin.

Mike: Here she is now! Hi, Molly!
Would you tell us your story?

Molly: Yes! It's something I thought
would never happen to me. 

Molly: It happened right here in the library
when I was on the computer... 

Molly: I was on the computer, doing homework.
Then, it stopped working when I went on a site! 

Molly: I did not know what to do so
I went over to the teacher. 

Molly: I was worried so asked her what I could do
and she told me not to worry. She would fix it. 

Molly: She restarted the computer and told me not to
worry. "When you go on the computer at school, you
just need to be careful!" she said. 

Teacher: When you use a computer at school or somewhere away from your house, you need to be safe! If you do not have a grown up make sure your computer is safe, it can get messed up like Molly's did!

Teacher: So, next time you go on the computer, make sure a grown up has made it safe for you to use. If they don't, bad things like viruses can go and hurt your computer!

Mike: That's our story for the day! I hope you
all learned something about computer safety today.
Thanks for tuning in!