Melissa Sanchez







Unit 1, 2, &4

Lesson 1

  1. Backbone – The Travel Long Distance.
  2. Checksum- A number that allows the receiving end of the packet to determine if any errors occurred in the transmission of the data.
  3. Computer Network – When two or more computers are connected in a way that allows them to communicate with each other.
  4. Domain Name System - Groups the many computers on the internet into domains.
  5. Header – Is attached to the IP packet.
  6. Internet – Is a collection of computer networks that communicate with each other using a common set rules
  7. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers – Is a nonprofit corporation that coordinates the assignment of Internet addresses and domain names.
  8. Internet Protocol – Defines how data is routed over the internet
  9. Internet Society – Is a nonprofit group that is the central organization for the groups that are responsible for the standards for Internet infrastructure
  10. IP address- four numbers separated by periods.
  11. IP packet- a typical packet created by TCP.
  12. Local Area Network – when TCP has an IP packet ready to travel.
  13. Name server- when a user enters an address in an e-mail address or web browser, these computers look up at the IP address of the domain and transparently direct the e-mail or Web browser to appropriate IP address.
  14. Network – when two or more computers are connected together in a way that allows them to communicate with each other.
  15. Packet – small pieces sent through the network.
  16. Packet – switched network – the type of network the internet is.
  17. Protocol – common set of rules
  18. Router – devices that examine the packets and decide the path that each packet should travel.
  19. Transmission Control Protocol – defines how data is broken down into packets at the sending end and reassembled at the receiving end.
  20. World Wide Web – a set of protocols that run o top of the internet.
  21. Consortium –is the organization that develops standards for the World Wide Web.

Lesson 2

  1. Client-server operation- because it divides the processing between the client and the server, browsing the web.
  2. Client-side operation-when the file arrives, it is up to the browser to interpret the contents of the file it just received. In a client side operation, the user’s computer (called the client) does the work.
  3. Cluster- the Web server must be a powerful computer or even a group of computers.
  4. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)- the most common kind of file the browser loads.
  5. Plug-in- software that is written in a special way that allows it to become a part of a Web browser as if that functionality were built in to the browser.
  6. Server-side operation- looking for the appropriate file and sending it to the Web browser
  7. Streaming-a computer user can hear the audio as it is downloaded into the computer.
  8. Telecommuting-the internet has made it possible for some people to work at home by telecommuting.
  9. Web browser- interprets the file.
  10. Web server- is a computer that runs special software that serves Web pages and related files.

Lesson 3

  1. Docked- Panes anchored to a specific location at the edge of the FrontPage window.
  2. Editing window- is the primary workspace for creating and editing Web pages.
  3. Floating- If a pane is not anchored to a specific location in the window, it is floating.
  4. Font face- is a set of characters (letters and numbers) that have a defined style.
  5. Formatting toolbar- the appearance of the text is very important on a web page.
  6. Heading- appears larger and bolder than regular text and has extra white space above and below it to help it stand out.
  7. Horizontal space- the space to the right and left of the image.
  8. Menu- All actions you can perform, including those accessed through a toolbar, are available at the top of the window.
  9. Page tab- is the top of the editing window enable you to quickly move among the pages in your Web site.
  10. Pane- is a section of the window that can display options or information that isn’t available in other areas of the window.
  11. Sans-serif font- do not have small lines on the ends of the letters and appear plain.
  12. Serif font- is a font that has small lines or strokes on the ends of the letter.
  13. Standard toolbar- is a familiar to most Microsoft Office users. Simply click a button on the toolbar to access the most common actions performed by users, including Copy, Paste, and Save.
  14. Vertical space- the space above and below an image.
  15. Views bar-is displayed in the left side of the FrontPage window.
  16. Visual interface- will be familiar if you have used other Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.
  17. Web-safe colors- generally appear the same in all browsers. Some computers are set to read millions of colors while others can read only 256 colors.

Lesson 4:)

  1. Cell- is an enclosed space in a table–the intersection of a row and a column.
  2. Cell Padding- is the amount of space between the border of a cell and the content.
  3. Cell Spacing- is the amount of space between two cells.
  4. Column- refers to the number of vertical sections of a table
  5. Hierarchical structure- good way to organize a website when there are clear categories and subcategories.
  6. Linear Structure- works best when you want users to view the pages in a specific order
  7. Link- is a way to get from one page to another.
  8. Local Site-is a Web site that is kept on your computer’s hard drive or on a local network for development and maintenance purpose.
  9. Mission Statement- is a brief description of your Web site’s purpose.
  10. Mixed Structure- you can also integrate characteristics of each of these structures.
  11. Page properties- features enables you to modify the properties of an entire page without using a theme, including elements such as the page title, etc.
  12. Page title- is the name of a page that appears in the Title bar of a browser window.
  13. Random access structure- pages are not arranged in any specific order and users can quickly access any information with a single click.
  14. Remote site- is a Web site that is kept on a server and is accessible from the Internet.
  15. Row- refers to the number of horizontal sections of a table.
  16. Target audience- The users you want to view your site.
  17. Template- is a web page that is used as the basis for other pages.
  18. Theme- is a collection of graphic elements, design, and colors that present a consistent image throughout your Web site.
  19. Web presence provider- you can publish your website releasing it to the public. it is important to note the  several features will not work if you select an FTP server or a WPP .

 Lesson 5

  1. Flash- is a powerful multimedia application that uses vector graphics to create highly compressed multimedia for the Web site.
  2. Interactive- refers to a Web page or computer application that responds to a user’s activity.
  3. Library-is a collection of code and content that is used repeatedly throughout a site.
  4. MIDI-stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface and is pronounced “middy”.
  5. Mp3 file-offers a highly compressed sound, saving valuable download time.
  6. Multimedia- is the combined use of several types of media such as text, graphics, video, and sound.
  7. Rollover- is when an image is exchanged with another image when a pointer is moved over it.
  8. Sub navigation-is a navigation that appears only on the section of a Web site to which it pertains.
  9. Top-navigation-is the main menu for a Web site.
  10. Wave file- was developed jointly by IBM and Microsoft and has been the standard for Windows for many years.


Lesson 6

  1. Check Box-allows the user to choose more than one item from a group of items.
  2. Form-is used to collect information over the internet from a user and allows the user to communicate back to the web master.
  3. Image- Field-an image that is used as a button instead of the standard gray button.
  4. List- scrollable box from which a user can choose multiple items.
  5. Menu- or a drop-down menu, is a drop down box from which a user can choose only one item.
  6. Multi-Line Text Box-is just like a single-line text box except it is used to gather several lines of data such as comments.
  7. Radio Button- a group of options from which a user can select.
  8. Single-Line-Text Box-used to gather short bits of information such as a user’s name.
  9. Text Box-form element is a box into which a user can key text.
  10. Validate- a form means to check the content entered into the text fields by the user in order to make sure all of the information has been entered properly.

Chapter 11

  1. Active white space-is blank areas on a Web page that are placed on purpose.
  2. Alignment-simply means that the content of a page has the same alignment.
  3. Consistency-To have uniformity from page to page.
  4. Grid- is a conceptual design tool that divides a page into rows and columns in order to help the Webmaster structure the layout of a page.
  5. Passive white space-is the blank areas on a Web page that are a result of incomplete or mismatched shapes.
  6. Proximity-refers to how close one element is to another.
  7. Repetition-is similar to consistency, is the process of repeating elements throughout a Web site.



Chapter 12

1.)    Print-based layout method- you eye automatically goes to the top left corner of the page and you begin to read from left to right.


2.)    Screen-based layout method- a user scans the content in and effective sweeping motion.

Chapter 13:)

Analogous colors- are three colors on the color wheel that are side by side as in Figure 13-16.

Bit- is the smallest unit of information that a computer understands.

Color wheel- is an ordered progression of hues (or colors) that helps a designer easily understand and select color combinations.

Complementary colors- are colors that are located opposite from each other on the color wheel.

Cool colors- contain the color blue.

Primary hues- of the additive color wheel are red, green, and blue (RGB).

Secondary hues- there a three secondary hues which are cyan, magenta, and yellow.

Shade- just the opposite, darkening

Split-complementary colors- form an uneven triangle on the color wheel

Tertiary colors- are red-yellow, (orange), green-yellow, green-cyan, blue-cyan, blue magenta (violet), and red-magenta.

Tint- lighting a hue.

Triad colors- are three colors on the color wheel that have an equal amount of distance between each one as in Figure 13-14.

Typography- is the act or art of expressing an idea by utilizing type faces or symbols.

Value- when referring to the lightness or darkness.

Warm colors- Hues that contain red are considered warm colors.

Chapter 14!!!!!

Clip art- is ready-made art that is available to use without having to edit it in any graphics applications.

Compression- means to make smaller, in the sense that the amount of information is reduced.

File format- is the arrangement in which data is saved in order to display is saved in order to display it in a certain way.

GIF- is the file format that can be viewed equally well on every kind of computer.

Icon- or a small symbolic graphic can be used as part of the users interface or can be set alongside of a certain piece of information to help the user identify types of information.

Index color- that a GIF can contain a maximum of 256 colors referred to as index colors.

JPEG- stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group; this is best used with photo-like graphics.

Raster- is a graphic image that is made up of pixels.

Vector- is based on a mathematical formula.



Unit 3

Lesson 7 Vocabulary:


  1. Attribute- is an addition to an HTML tag that is used to modify its properties.
  2. Container Tags-These tags work in pairs usually with some other text or HTML in between them.
  3. Document Type Declaration (DTD)-This line of code was not in the template that you created earlier. This code is commonly called (DTD).
  4. Empty Tags- a tag that does not contain a text
  5. HTML- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) consists of series of tags or codes that can be used in a Web page to designate attributes of a section of text.
  6. Hypertext- The idea of hypertext, or organization of units of information that can be connected with links, had already been around for a long time.
  7. Ordered list-This list is used for items whose order does matter.
  8. Source code- The HTML code is called the source code.
  9. Tags- Remember that an HTML files is really just a plain text file that includes special codes.
  10. Unordered list- is good for listing items whose order is not important.

11.  Value- each attribute must have this.


Unit 3

Lesson 8 Vocabulary:

1. Absolute URL- is one in which the protocol and Web server name is used

2. External link- links to documents that reside on Web sites other than the one you are creating.

3. Hyperlink- links to see other web pages

4. Internal link- links that are used to navigate between pages of one site

5. Intrapages link- is a link within one web page

6. Link- a pointer to a document or file somewhere on the web

7. Relative URL- is one in which the document being linked to its described relative to another location

8. Thumbnail- is a small image representation of a larger image


Unit 3

Lesson 9 Vocabulary:


  1. Cell- In tables, just as in spreadsheets, we call the area created by the intersection of a row and a column a cell.
  2. Container- the container page will actually define which Web page is to be used as the navigation bar and which Web page is to be used as the main window.
  3. Frameset-is the name given to a group of frames that act together to make up one Web page.
  4. Nested- Notice that the <TR> and <TD> tags that make up the table in Step-by-Step 9.0 are nested.  That means that you are opening a new tag before closing the first one.


Unit 3

Lesson 10 Vocabulary:


  1. Button- a form element on which a user can click to trigger an event such as the clearing or submission of  form
  2. Check box- a form element that allows users to check more than one option from a group of items for a given question
  3. Form-  an element used on a web page to collect information from users
  4. Hidden field- a form element that allows information to be passed from the form to the ACTION page without being displayed on the web page
  5. Label- a written description next to a form element that tells the user what kind of information is expected in the element
  6. Password field- a form element used to enter passwords. The text entered is replaced with asterisks so that any bystanders cannot see the password
  7. Pull-down menu- A form element that allows many options to be compresses on the screen. The user must click the “down arrow” to view the additional options.
  8. Querystring- the information that gets passed after the question mark in a URL. Typically a querystring  results from submitting a form via the GET method
  9. Radio button- another type of form element where the user is presented with a set of options from which to choose.
  10. Text area- a form element that allows a user to type in large quantities of information
  11. Text box- a form element that allows a user to enter a single word or few words